Friday, February 7 2025

Integrity at Work – 5

As you are aware, the world around us has lowered its standards of honesty and integrity to the point that lack of integrity has become acceptable behavior in many respects. Yet this lack of integrity is costing American businesses millions of dollars every year, and even non-believers are waking up to the fact that integrity on the job is a bottom-line issue.

It certainly is a bottom-line issue with the Lord, and as Christ-followers, we must be so careful not to compromise biblical standards of integrity as workers in today's marketplace. Access to the internet has become a major issue in many organizations. Employees are known to surf the internet, play games during company time, and even watch pornography during work hours.

Most companies have rules to govern this issue and have put controls on their system to block certain websites. But, of course, many have learned how to skirt those rules and controls. If you’re thinking using a little company time for personal things is no big deal, I'd warn you you're starting down a dangerous road.

Our enemy will find very subtle ways to get us sidetracked and cause us to damage our witness for Jesus Christ. He'll start with something like wasting some company time on personal interests or business, and then when we've lowered our standard a little bit, we're vulnerable to further temptation.

Peter wrote:
Live such good lives among the pagans that … they may see your good deeds and glorify God … (I Peter 2:12).
Remember, it is wrong to use significant company time for your own personal benefit or business. And don't forget, the best way to represent Jesus on your job is to live such a good life among your coworkers that they will see the difference in you and that will bring glory to God. Make sure you're not damaging your testimony for the Lord through lack of attention to these issues of honesty.