Tuesday, February 11 2025

Incivility in the Workplace – 2

As followers of Jesus Christ, we should lead the way in our worlds to try to stamp out these bad habits of rudeness and replace them with simple courtesies. Good manners do not have to remain a quaint memory from the past.

Examples of workplace incivility include insulting comments, disparaging someone’s work, spreading false rumors, and social isolation. I propose you take this as your personal challenge—to do everything you can to stop incivility in your world.

Here’s my second suggestion: Be sure to ask at least one person every day how they are doing and then listen to their answer. Don’t let them get by with the typical response of “I’m fine” but probe a bit. Maybe you know they haven’t felt good lately, so ask how they’re feeling. Perhaps they are under a great deal of stress in their job, and you can ask about that. The most important part of this suggestion is you sincerely ask, and you sincerely listen. Sometimes this can open a door for you to assure them that you will pray for them.

There are very few people in this world who will object to you praying for them, even if they don’t pray themselves. When people feel cared for, when they believe at least one person appreciates what they do or what they’re going through, it will affect the way they treat others. And this could cause a chain reaction of people caring for others. Imagine how that would improve the morale in your workplace!

Putting these two suggestions together, make it your intention to say please and thank you every time it’s appropriate and show care and concern to at least one person every day. It will make a difference—you will make a difference—and Jesus will be honored by your actions.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Colossians 3:12).
Put on these beautiful attributes each day and I promise you will make a huge dent in turning around incivility in your world.