Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-16
"Mom, why is Dad scowling?" asked Jackson as he watched Dad working at the edge of the new concrete patio he had poured. "I think the patio looks great!"
"I think so too. But the concrete is setting faster than Dad expected."
"Setting?" asked Jackson. "You mean it's already getting hard?"
"Right," said Mom. "It's easy to level and smooth cement when it's first poured, but once it's set, you can't change it. So now he has to work fast to try and get it the way he wants it before it's too hard."
"Oh. Well, I wish I could help him, but I guess I can't." Jackson picked up his baseball mitt. "Is it okay if I go to the park to practice throwing with José for a while?"
"That's fine--if you've finished the other things you need to do," said Mom. "Did you pick up your room and take the trash out? And how about your quiet time? Did you do that?"
Jackson nodded. "I knew you'd ask that, so I did all those things right after breakfast."
"Good for you," said Mom. "I'm glad you're making it a habit to do your work and to pray and read your Bible before going out to play. It's important to practice good habits now so you'll keep doing them when you're older--and spending time with Jesus is one of the best habits to practice. When we spend time with Him, He reminds us that He loves us and will always forgive our wrongs and be with us, no matter what we face in life."
Jackson watched his father frantically try to smooth the quickly hardening concrete of their patio. "Does that mean habits are like concrete and harden in place?"
"That's a good way to look at it," said Mom. "Both good and bad habits can become hardened into a person's life over time."
"And that's why you want me to set good habits while I'm young," said Jackson.
Mom nodded. "We can start new habits at any age, but the sooner we let go of bad habits and replace them with good ones, the sooner those good habits will be set in place. The best time to start practicing a good habit is today--no matter how old you are."
–Pauline Youd
How About You?Are you forming good habits? There are lots of habits that are important in the Christian life, such as praying, reading the Bible, going to church, thanking God for everything He gives us, and confessing our sins and receiving His forgiveness. But forming habits like these takes practice, so start doing them now. As you practice them, they'll begin to set and soon become a part of your everyday life.
Today's Key Verse:
Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come. (NKJV) (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
Today's Key Thought:
Practice good habits