Friday, February 21 2025

A Listening Ear

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:7-13

Emery looked at the tall buildings surrounding her new home. A big lump formed in her throat as she thought about the stormy divorce that had taken her father away from her. She tried to tell her mother how lonely she was, but she felt like Mom didn't really listen. I know Mom's nervous about starting her new job today, thought Emery. But I wish she'd think a little more about me and how I'm feeling on my first day at a new school!

Emery felt nervous as she walked into her new school, but the principal was kind and led Emery to her classroom to introduce her to the class. When the bell rang for lunch, Sara, the girl sitting in front of Emery, turned around. "Want to eat lunch with me?" she asked. Emery breathed a huge sigh of relief as she went with her new friend to the cafeteria.

"What do your parents do?" asked Sara as she and Emery ate.

"My mom is starting a new job at the hospital today, and my dad…" Emery had hoped no one would ask about her dad. "He's a salesman," she said vaguely. "How about your parents? What do they do?"

"My mom's an engineer, and I never knew my dad."

Emery didn't answer right away. "My parents are divorced," she finally said in a small voice. She felt tears rising to her eyes and fought them back. "And Mom just thinks about her own problems and doesn't even listen when I talk about mine."

"I know what you mean," said Sara. "I was really lonely until I met my heavenly Father."

"Your what?" asked Emery.

Sara smiled. "My heavenly Father--God. He always listens. I can talk to Him about anything, and He helps me not feel so lonely."

"Must be nice," said Emery wistfully.

Sara leaned forward in her chair. "Why don't you come to church with me and learn about Him? He can be your heavenly Father too!"

"You mean He'll listen to me too?" asked Emery. "And help me not feel lonely?"

"Definitely," said Sara. "He loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus, because He wants us to be His children." She got up. "Ready to go outside?"

"Yes," Emery said, "but tell me more about your heavenly Father!"

–Matilda H. Nordtvedt

How About You?
Do you know God as your heavenly Father? Even if you have a dad in your life, you need a relationship with God. You can know Him because of what Jesus did for you when He died on the cross for your sins and rose again. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to He loves you and is always ready to listen to what you have to say. Why not go to Him right now?

Today's Key Verse:
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. (NKJV) (Psalm 34:15)

Today's Key Thought:
God always listens