Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:23-25
"My class is going on a field trip to see Mount Vernon, George Washington's home," Anissa told her parents. "We've been learning about him, and I need to get books from the library and write a report on his life."
"That's great," said Mom. "I'm sure learning about him before the trip will make it more enjoyable." So Anissa got to work, reading books about George Washington and writing her report.
When Anissa arrived home after the field trip, she told her parents about the good time she'd had. "It was so much fun to see the things and places I'd read about. I even knew some things the guide didn't mention."
After eating breakfast on Sunday, Dad stood up to help Anissa clear the table. "Okay, Anissa. Let's hear your memory verse before we leave for church," he said.
"Um, well, I don't know it yet," Anissa confessed. "I was too busy this week. I'll go study it right now." She hurried off before Dad could reply.
Learning the verse took longer than Anissa expected, and she had to hurry to get ready for church. When it was time to leave, her hair wasn't quite dry and she couldn't find her Bible. After hunting a few minutes, she finally shrugged and ran out to the car without it.
After church, Anissa sighed as she got into the car. "I haven't been getting much out of church lately," she said.
"Anissa," said Mom, "why did you do a lot of reading and write a report about Mount Vernon before going on your trip there?"
"My teacher said I had to. But I'm glad, because learning about it ahead of time made it more special!"
"Why don't you do the same for church?" suggested Mom. "Prepare for it by setting aside some time the night or morning before to read your Bible, learn your verse for Sunday school, and ask God to prepare your heart to worship Him and listen to what He has to say to you."
"Good idea," said Dad. "But don't forget that we go to church to worship Jesus and learn more about Him with other believers. He is present there with us, helping us grow in our relationship with Him--whether we feel it or not."
–Mary Rose Pearson
How About You?Do you enjoy going to church? Have you tried preparing for it ahead of time? You can do that by giving yourself time beforehand to read your Bible and pray that God will use the church service to speak to you and others. Church is a special event where we get to be in God's presence with other believers. Prepare your heart so you'll be ready to worship and hear what He has to say to you.
Today's Key Verse:
I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." (NKJV) (Psalm 122:1)
Today's Key Thought:
Prepare for church