Wednesday, February 19 2025

Homeless and Hungry

Bible Reading: Matthew 10:29-31; 25:31-40

The cold winter wind bit at Maryam's nose and ears as she and her mother were shopping downtown. "Can we stop at the pet store and get some birdseed?" asked Maryam. Mom agreed, and they headed for the store.

As they passed an alley, they saw a man sleeping there, huddled against a wall. He was shivering in a shabby coat, his hands bare and his toes poking out from his shoes. Maryam grabbed her mother by the hand and quickly pulled her past the alley. "What's wrong?" asked Mom.

"That man made me nervous," said Maryam. "Why is he dressed like that? And why is he sleeping on the street on such a cold day?"

"He must be homeless," said Mom.

"We talked about homeless people at school," Maryam said as they went into the pet store. "But I didn't think there were any in small towns like ours."

After buying a bag of birdseed, Maryam and her mother started back to the car. As they passed the alley, they saw that the man was gone. Mom looked sad. "I hope he's okay."

When they got home, Maryam filled the family's backyard feeder with birdseed. Then she went inside and rubbed the cold from her tingling fingers. She joined her mother at the window, and they watched birds swoop down to the feeder. "I'm glad we can put out seeds for them," Maryam said. "It's so cold, and it's hard for them to find food. They might die without us." Maryam smiled as she watched the birds flutter around the feeder and peck at the seeds. "You know what? Some verses I read in my Bible this morning said God knows about every sparrow that falls. He cares about birds."

"Yes," said Mom. "And He cares about people much more than birds. People are so valuable to Him that Jesus became one of us so we could be saved from sin and live with Him forever."

Maryam stared out at the snowy backyard, thinking of the man they'd seen. "We found a way to help the birds through the cold winter. Maybe we could find a way to help homeless people too."

"I'm sure we can," Mom said. "Let's come up with some ideas."

–Daryl B. Knauer

How About You?
Do you know of someone who's in need? In today's Key Verse, Jesus tells Christians that doing something for someone in need is the same as doing it for Him. Think about what you could do. Perhaps you could donate food, money, or even your time to your church or another organization that helps people. Ask God to show you how you can share His love by helping those in need.

Today's Key Verse:
Truly I [Jesus] tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. (NIV) (Matthew 25:40)

Today's Key Thought:
Help those in need