Bible Reading: Psalm 31:1-5
"Hurry! Pull up the drawbridge, Winston!" Mitchell hurried into the cardboard castle in their basement. "The enemy is coming!"
Winston pulled up the bridge, and both boys peered through narrow slits in the walls. "Now they won't be able to cross the moat," said Winston. "And even if they do, our strong walls will keep us safe."
Just then Dad came down the stairs, followed by the boys' sister, Charis. "I think it's time for a break," he said, holding out a bowl of popcorn. They all sat in the courtyard of the castle, eating popcorn and admiring the corner towers made by big refrigerator boxes. The towers were connected by cardboard walls.
"This castle is a lot of fun, Dad," said Mitchell. "Thanks for helping us build it."
"This doesn't seem much like a castle to me," said Charis. "I thought castles were big, beautiful palaces with lots of fancy rooms."
"This castle is really a fortress, not a palace," Dad said. "Fortresses were used years and years ago to protect people from their enemies." He took a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "Did you know that God is described as a fortress?"
"He is?" asked Winston. "How can He be a fortress?"
"Well," said Dad, "remember that school shooting we heard about on the news this morning?"
Charis nodded. "It scared me."
"Me too," said Winston. "What if that happened at our school?"
"We live in a sinful world, and bad things happen all around us," said Dad. "But we can find peace by running to our fortress--Jesus, who sacrificed His life to save us from sin and death. We can draw close to Him and trust Him to take care of us."
"But we could still get hit by an enemy arrow, even inside our castle," said Mitchell.
"That's right," said Dad. "And sometimes even Christians get hurt. But when we take refuge in the Lord, we can have peace knowing we're safe with Him. We can be sure that even if an arrow--some bad thing--strikes us, He will be with us. Even death itself cannot separate us from Jesus, because He conquered death when He rose again. No matter what happens, we can have peace knowing we've been given eternal life in Him."
–Jody Hedlund
How About You?Have you ever been scared by something you heard in the news? We live in a sinful world where lots of bad things happen, but if you're a Christian, you have a strong fortress where you can run for protection--Jesus! He promises to be with you and give you peace--even if bad things do happen. Tell Him your worries and fears and trust Him to be with you.
Today's Key Verse:
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust. (NKJV) (Psalm 18:2)
Today's Key Thought:
God gives peace