Bible Reading: Genesis 2:1-3; Hebrews 4:9-10
Declan's dad set the remote control car on a shelf in the garage. "Let's take a break," he said.
"But aren't we going to paint it?" asked Declan. They had just finished putting all the pieces together, and Declan couldn't wait to test it out. "This car's gonna look awesome in cherry red."
"We can finish up later," Dad said. "We've been putting that car together for two hours, and now it's time to rest."
"But I want to keep working on it!" said Declan.
"You know, Declan," Dad said as he shut off the lights in the garage, "even God rested after creating the world in six days. That means we should rest too."
Declan crossed his arms. "But I'm not tired."
Dad raised his eyebrows. "That's an interesting point. Do you think God rested because He was tired?"
Declan laughed. "God doesn't get tired. Does He?"
"No," said Dad, "He doesn't. But God set the example for us by taking a break after His work was complete. Jesus also told His disciples to rest after they worked, and He even took some time to relax after teaching and healing people."
Declan followed his dad down the hall to the kitchen. "But rest is boring!"
"Well, it doesn't have to be." Dad set two drinking glasses on the counter. "God gave us rest as a gift. It's supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable."
Declan sat down in a chair. "Like holidays or when you get a day off work?"
"Exactly," said Dad. "And those days aren't boring, are they?"
"No way! They're the best because we get to play board games and eat popcorn."
Declan's dad filled the glasses with ice. "Rest is also a time to reenergize and think about all God has done for us. God commands us to rest so that we remember His work--the work of Jesus and His sacrifice for us on the cross. It's His work alone that saves us, not our own efforts, and resting reminds us to trust Him in everything we do." Dad went to the fridge and pulled out a jug. "Now, how does cooling off with some of your mom's delicious lemonade after all that work on your car sound?"
Declan sat up and grabbed a glass. "That sounds great!"
–Annika Klanderud
How About You?Do you ever get upset when you have to stop what you're working on to rest? Sometimes it's hard to take a break, but God knows what's best for us. Taking time to rest is important so your body and mind can recharge. Best of all, it's a reminder that our true rest is in Jesus, who completed the most important work of all--dying for our sins so we could be saved and have eternal life with Him.
Today's Key Verse:
Let my soul be at rest again, for the Lord has been good to me. (NLT) (Psalm 116:7)
Today's Key Thought:
Take time to rest